Lucy Natkiel - Board Memeber

Carol Snow-Asher - Board Member

Shaun Bresnahan- Board Member

Justin Wheeler - Board Member

Board of Directors

About Us

     The Hill Historical Society was formed in 1982 to promote the understanding of the history of Hill through the collection and preservation of local records. These records are made available to anyone with an interest in the history of Hill. In addition, the Hill Historical Society undertook the renovation and continuing maintenance of the Town Meeting House in Hill Center where meetings of the society are held, materials are archived, and the public is invited to visit and learn about the Town's history.

     The Hill Historical Society welcomes new members to participate and support our efforts to preserve history and educate the public about the historical significance of our region. Our members reside across the nation, but maintain a connection through our newsletter, and we appreciate their monetary support. As usual, most of the work falls on the same few people, but working together to achieve our goals is fulfilling. If you are interested in participating, we currently have openings on our Board of Directors and would welcome your assistance.

Branch Sanders - President

Marie Stanley - Secretary

Nancy Chaddock - Treasurer

Linda Denningham - Board Member