USB MP4 Flash Drive – “Relocating the Town of Hill, NH” $10 + $2.50 Shipping

DVD  – “Relocating the Town of Hill, NH” $10 + $2.50 Shipping

Includes a 1940 tour of the old Hill Village narrated by Ed Amsden and scenes of

the preparation and construction of the new Hill Village.



The Story of Hill, N.H., By Dan Stiles          UNAVAILABLE - SOLD OUT

The four years from 1939 through 1942 saw Hill Village selected for the site of a

major federal flood control project. The people of Hill had to act to re-establish the

village nearby. Dan Stiles, a noted journalist, recounted the amazing story for posterity

in this very readable book of 72 pages liberally illustrated on 32 of those pages.

15oz. Coffee Mug Hill Historical Society Logo           $12 + $4.95 Shipping

15oz. Coffee Mug Remember When Collage           $12 + $4.95 Shipping

Profile Falls Sun Catcher - 9" W x 6" H          $18 + $4.95 Shipping

Catch some big rays in a beautiful way with our new, frosted glass Sun Catcher!

2014 Edition          $8 + $2.00 Shipping

A handy pocket guide for the many people who visit the Old Hill Village. Each page
contains a map, historical photo and a short description of an area of the Old Village
corresponding with markers placed by the NH Dept. of Forests & Lands.

Around Town Sun Catcher - 9" W x 6" H           $18 + $4.95 Shipping

Catch some big rays in a beautiful way with our new, frosted glass Sun Catcher!


15oz. Coffee Mug Remember When/Color Collage           $12 + $4.95 Shipping

Hill Wood Ornament            $5.95 + $2.95 Shipping

Remember When Sun Catcher - 9" W x 6" H $18 + $4.95 Shipping

Catch some big rays in a beautiful way with our new, frosted glass Sun Catcher!

Needle Shop Brook Sun Catcher - 9" W x 6" H          $18 + $4.95 Shipping

Catch some big rays in a beautiful way with our new, frosted glass Sun Catcher!

Murray Hill Field & Stone Sun Catcher - 9" W x 6" H          $18 + $4.95 Shipping

Catch some big rays in a beautiful way with our new, frosted glass Sun Catcher!

Hill Village on the Pemigewasset          $12 + $2.50 Shipping

In July, 1991 the Society published Hill Village on the Pemigewasset, a history of the

old village. The book is in two parts: the first a narrative of the settlement of New Chester

and the village built along the flood plain, and the second half depicting nearly every

building in the flood plain, with as complete a history of the ownership and occupants

of the houses as was possible.

Our Chosen Place          $12 + $2.50 Shipping

This book is published in a soft cover, six-by-nine inches in size, containing over

300 pages of text, graphics and photographs and an index.  Part I of the book provides

a 56-page narrative discussion of the past sixty-five years.  Part II of the book provides

a two-page presentation of each home and building that was built in the New Village. 

Earlier photos are compared with the present day structures.